Payment for Exhibition Space

The payment and cancellation terms for exhibition spaces follow the conditions set by Tampere Hall. The key points are summarized below.

Payment for Exhibition Space A reservation fee of 20% of the exhibition space price is paid when making a reservation. An invoice will be sent to the reserver as an e-invoice or a PDF invoice immediately after the reservation, with a payment term of 14 days. If the payment is not made, the reservation will be canceled. The remaining 80% of the exhibition space price (space fee) is paid 45 days before the start of the conference via a separate e-invoice or PDF invoice.

Cancellation Terms

Advance reservations can be modified or canceled without cost until the option period expires. After that, the following terms apply if the exhibitor cancels or transfers their reservation to another space, depending on the time remaining until the exhibition:

  • 365 days before the event: cancellation without charge
  • 364–246 days before the event: 5% cancellation fee
  • 245–187 days before the event: 25% cancellation fee, 10% transfer fee
  • 186–61 days before the event: 50% cancellation fee, 25% transfer fee
  • 60–31 days before the event: 100% cancellation fee, 50% transfer fee
  • 30-0 days before the event: no cancellations or transfers allowed. Full payment required.

The exhibition organizers can cancel the reservation immediately without compensation if they become aware that illegal content, hate speech, or other human rights violations are or will be presented at the exhibition.

Exhibitor's Responsibility

The exhibitor is responsible for protecting the spaces, equipment, and furniture they use from damage and is liable for any damages caused by their equipment, staff, or audience. The exhibitor agrees to follow the venue's safety instructions and obtain at their own expense any necessary permits from authorities and licenses for presenting and recording copyrighted works.

No materials such as brochures or posters may be attached to the walls of Tampere Hall by any means. Tampere Hall will provide detachable partitions for attaching announcements if needed. Any changes to the reservation must be confirmed in writing (email) to be effective.

The exhibitor may not transfer this reservation agreement to a third party without the written consent of the exhibition organizers.

Force Majeure

Fire, water damage, strike, or other labor disputes, or any other force majeure event releases the exhibition organizers from any compensation obligations that may arise from the sudden cancellation of the exhibition.

Option Reservation for Previous or Equivalent Exhibition Space

Exhibitors can make option reservations for their previous or equivalent exhibition space and express any preferences for moving to newly available spaces until the notified date. Advance reservations can be made using a distributed form, through the online store, or by email at . Option reservations are reviewed, and a reservation fee invoice is sent.

Booking Exhibition Spaces After the Option Period

After the option period, available exhibition spaces are primarily booked through the online store. Inquiries can be made by email at or by phone at +358 400 481250.

Reservation Confirmation and Payment

The exhibition organizer (ITK organization) confirms reservations in writing by sending the reserver an invoice for the 20% reservation fee of the exhibition space price. The reservation is binding on both parties once the reservation fee is paid. The reservation fee is non-refundable even if the reservation is later canceled. The remaining 80% of the exhibition space price is paid via an invoice due about one month before the exhibition starts.

Exhibition Space Prices

Exhibition space prices vary by location and size. Prices are confirmed annually before the end of the option period. Exact prices are communicated to advance reservers immediately after confirmation. Prices can be inquired via email at , by phone at +358 400 481250, or in writing. Prices for available exhibition spaces are also listed on the online store. The price of the exhibition space includes the space itself, exhibition structures, a name-printed header board, and internet access via Tampere Hall's Wi-Fi.

Separately Ordered Items

Exhibition space reservers must order all other needed services or products at least 30 days before the event. Orders are placed through the ITKSHOP.FI online store and paid via an e-invoice or PDF invoice sent after the order. Ordered products will be installed during the setup. These products include, for example:

  • Electrical connections
  • Tables and chairs
  • High tables and stools
  • Brochure stands
  • Displays
  • Exhibition carpets and wall fabrics
  • And many other supplies available in the online store


All catering at the exhibition space or related areas must be arranged separately with the Tampere Hall restaurant.